E0880: Puter, un sistema operativo en la nube

También os hablo de Cosmos Cloud y Runtipi.

E0880: Puter, un sistema operativo en la nube

Completo el episodio aquel hablando sobre UmbrelOS y CasaOS con dos sistemas adicionales parecidos (Cosmos Cloud y Runtipi) y uno que tiene una filosofía bastante diferente (Puter), pensado para ser un sistema operativo completo en la nube, con su escritorio y todo.

GitHub - HeyPuter/puter: 🌐 The Web OS! Free, Open-Source, and Self-Hostable.
🌐 The Web OS! Free, Open-Source, and Self-Hostable. - HeyPuter/puter
Cosmos Cloud
Secure and Easy Self-hosted platform. Take control of your data and privacy without sacrificing security and stability (Authentication, anti-DDOS, anti-bot, ...)
Runtipi - Homeserver management made easy
Free and open-source, Runtipi lets you install all your favorite self-hosted apps without the hassle of configuring and managing each service. One-click installs and updates for more than 80 popular apps.